Sonntag, 26. Mai 2013


I can't get enough of these two bands! Sister bands are taking over the indie/folk/rock scene this year! Haim consists of the three Haim sisters from LA. Their music is soooooo good! It reminds me a lot of fleetwood mac! Twin sisters Tegan and Sara have been around for a while but they just had their big commercial break with their new album "Heartthrob". People say they lost some of their edge with this new album, but I still love it! Check out some pictures of the bands and listen to their awesome music!(It's perfect for spring&summer mood)

Montag, 13. Mai 2013


Hey there. So I knew that my best friend's second cousin, living close to London, had a friend that made good music (I know it's complicated) but I never really spent time listening to it. So while I was getting lost in the infinite maze we call "You Tube" to avoid doing my homework today, I came across Misty's newer music. And I LOVE it! It's rock and roll mixed with 90ies grunge nostalgia. Give Misty Miller a listen(below) and buy her music to support her if you like!

Donnerstag, 9. Mai 2013


This beautifully awesome song inspired me to post some pictures that I felt captured of the vibe of the song. Most of the pictures are stills from some of my favorite movies ("On the road" and "A Single Man"), the rest of the pictures are just random, mostly random ones of lana del rey. The song fits I think the first picture the best. It's from On the Road and shows Kristen Stewart, who plays the young Marylou crying in the car on her adventure with Sal and Dean. The warm sun light hits her face like a voice telling her it's all gonna be ok, but she knows exactly that it won't and that she's letting go of her childhood and home forever. She's staring back, saying goodbye. Since I'm graduating from high school in pretty much a month I kind of know how she feels, leaving something behind and entering the open road.  So listen to the song and enjoy the pictures! (Of course I had to sneak in a picture of Chelsea Hotel's biggest star, Edie Sedgwick ;))

Song: Lana Del Rey - Chelsea Hotel No 2
Films to watch: On the Road(2012), A Single Man(2009)
Books to read: Jack Kerouac - On The Road/The Dharma Bums, Allen Ginsberg - Howl

Freitag, 3. Mai 2013


So I came across Jake when I was reading this months "Rolling Stone" issue. They listed him first under reasons why to be excited about rock. The british born 19-year old's music reminds me of a mixture of Bob Dylan and Jack White. I am completely addicted! Our nineties-born generation desperately needed an artist like Jake. The chain-smoking rookie already is starting to hit the U.S. and is bringing folk/rock right back where it belongs. You MUST check out some of his songs below! (I especially like the last one "Country Strong", very Bob Dylan!)